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The Garden Party

The Garden Party

“Catch a rabbit and you’ll have it.”

This play, written in 1963 by the dissident playwright and president Václav Havel and translated by Vera Blackwell, is a tale of bureaucracy gone mad. The surreal satire combines colorful characters and increasingly improbable speeches in a rich comedy that could be about an oppressive government or any workplace where the less sense you make, the higher you rise through the ranks.

This amateur production of The Garden Party is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals Ltd. on behalf of Samuel French Ltd. 

A Look at the Show

An actor with a notebook looks at the camera.
An actor with glasses pontificates.
An actor wearing pearls stares balefully at the camera.
An actor looks shocked.
An actor looks over his glasses at the camera while holding a notebook.
An actor in a party hat looks away from the camera.
An actor gives a big laugh with his hands on his hips.
An actor looks away from the camera.
An actor loosens his tie.
An actor reveals a t-shirt with Vaclav Havel under their suit.
The set designer holds up and partly hides behind many props.
A smiling woman smacks a riding crop on her hand.
The director laughs with a script in her hand.
The sound designer mimes playing a keyboard.